Arab Educational Institute


About Us | Background | Director's Statement | AEI open Windows: Youth house workshop report | Letter from Bethlehem (1) | Letter from Bethlehem (2) | Letter from Bethlehem (3) | Letter from Bethlehem (4) | BETHLEHEM COMMUNITY BOOK | MORAL STORIES FROM PALESTINE | BAKDUNSIYYEH | Recent and Upcoming Events | Photo Album | Narrative Report 2000/1 | Getting Involved | Contact Us

What we do

AEI presently works on the development of a full-fledged resource center with educational publications, media equipments, videos, traditional clothes, drama props, musical instruments and games available to local
schools and communities.

AEI is also the publisher of a new book series called
"Culture and Palestine" which documents ways of life, stories, histories, heritages and customs of Palestinians, with a focus on those living in the Bethlehem-Hebron area.

AEI's main local outreach is a network of some ten schools in the Bethlehem and Hebron regions. Some of these schools participate in various ongoing projects:

A Dutch-Palestinian story-telling project in conjucntion with Dutch partners

An AEI-scheme of school fieldtrips in the Bethlehem and Hebron environment and in the near future, an exchange between Palestinian and Belgian schools

A youth exchange programe: at present seven Palestinian youth work for a three-month period in the region of Dordrecht. In the near future, situation allowing, AEI will host seven Dutch youth working as volunteers in the Bethlehem region.

AEI is coordinator of a wishmaking campaign in which we invite foreigners to write a wish on a card or website to be pronounced by a Moslem or Christian school student at a local holy site.

AEI's projects are generally characterized by the following principles:

(1) connecting students and youth with local places, cultures, religions, memories and experiences in a way that values plurality and diversity, and Moslem-Christian living together;

(2) using stories and other imaginative genres as educational tools;

(3) bringing schools and local communities closer to each other;

(4) introducing new methodologies and technologies of active, communicative and outward-oriented learning;

(5) providing girls with opportunities to become active outside the home, and

(6) connecting local educational programs with the needs of foreign audiences, including visitors and foreign school students.